Going straight from college life where everyday is filled with "what do I have due tomorrow?" "when is the next test?" "red, large scantron or small one?" "gah! what time is it?" "NO! I missed the Green Line" and many other hectic thoughts... to a blank slate of idleness has made me feel more out of sorts than during the school year.
Right now I don't have a job, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been trying to get one. Target, Macy's, JC Penny's, Vons, and PETCO have all received applications...and have all made no contact what-so-ever. I do have hobbies though! Everyday I pick up my guitar and play it for about an hour. Then after a while of checking all the "social networking" sites that I'm a part of I might pick up my trumpet and remind myself of just how bad a shape my chops are in. After all the musical endeavors, I usually read A LOT. I have just finished Pearl S. Buck's "The Good Earth," a nice tale about a humble Chinese farmer and his wife, written by an American who lived in China most of her life. Right now, thanks to Stephanie I am reading Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people." It is essentially a "self help" book but it has many good things to say about how to improve one's social skills to be more "likeable," a good characteristic to have for someone like me who is searching for a job, and will hopefully be interviewed by employers. And to top it all off, it was published in 1936, and my copy is from 1964, before someone decided to "update" it in the 80s, so it has a nice charm about it and is not affected by the current views and lifestyles of present-day society. But all that can only do so much for me when there is nothing else to do, so in order to keep myself busy I have, with Danielle's help, planted a vegetable garden.
Now at least, I can spend a few minutes of my day worrying about whether my tomatoes are getting enough water, and keeping the bugs from destroying them. My house is surrounded by plenty of plants; trees, shrubs, about 8 rose bushes, many flowers etc... but those are all just for looks and economically, don't do much. SO, it will be nice to have plants that I can devote my effort and water to, and get healthy food from in return. I help the plants live, they help me live. Roses, not so much...I help them look pretty, they disfigure me with thorny pricks.
In all, Summer has been good, I have done many fun things with Danielle; going to the beach, hiking, taking the dog to various parks, camping. I just hope that soon I will have a job, because in another 2-3 weeks I will probably have $0.00 to my name. Money of course isn't everything, but it sure does help me fuel my car and body.
Oh, and another thing to occupy me...this BLOG : )